These plants are exotic and hard-to-find, but SUPER EASY to care for! Read on to learn more about caring for the specimens in this collection!




Rare Unicorn cactus:

Scientific name: Eulychnia Castanea Spiralis

Unicorn Care:

1. Find a sunny spot for your unicorn cactus to bask in at least five hours of direct sunlight each day. Shield it from intense afternoon rays when it's young.
2. Keep your unicorn cactus cozy in temperatures between 60 and 80 °F. Bring it indoors when winter temperatures drop below 50 °F.
3. Embrace the drought-tolerant nature of your unicorn cactus. Water it only when the soil has completely dried out in summer and provide minimal watering in winter to prevent dehydration.
4. Provide a well-draining mix for your unicorn cactus using a cactus blend with the option to add rocks and perlite for better drainage.
5. Although rare, your unicorn cactus may surprise you with delicate cream-colored flowers during optimal summer conditions.
6. Boost your unicorn cactus's growth by applying diluted cactus fertilizer during spring and summer—we recommend our house blend plant food.
7. Watch out for common pests like aphids and mealy bugs. Use our house blend insecticide as a weekly preventative.
8. Every one to two years, consider repotting your unicorn cactus during early spring. This can help refresh the soil and accommodate its growth.
9. Good news! Unicorn cacti are non-toxic to both humans and pets.




Boobie Cactus:

Scientific name: Myrtillocactus geometrizans 'Fukurokuryuzinboku'

Boobie Care:
1. Your Boobie cactus craves those rays! Find a prime spot where it can bask in at least five hours of direct sunlight daily. And remember, protect it from those intense afternoon rays when it's still a cactus kid.
2. Keep things chill but cozy for your Boobie in the temperature range of 60 to 80 °F. Bring indoors when temps reach below 50 degrees.
3. Let its soil completely dry out between watering sessions during the summer groove, and ease up on the watering can during winter hibernation.
4. Create a comfy crib for your boobie with a well-draining cactus mix. Add some rocks and perlite for extra drainage. It's all about that soil balance, baby.
5. Your Boobie might bust out delicate cream-colored flowers when summer hits its peak. It's like your cactus is dropping a surprise album!
6. Boost your Boobie’s strength with diluted cactus fertilizer during spring and summer. Use our house blend fertilizer!
7. Keep an eye out for party crashers like aphids and mealy bugs. Our house blend insecticide is an easy weekly preventative!
8. Each spring is the perfect season for a repotting! Give your cactus the space it needs to spread its roots!
Boobie cacti are harmless to both you and your fur babies.





Scientific name: Cereus forbesii

Spiralis Care:
1. Find a sun-drenched spot for your Spiralis cactus to soak up at least five hours of direct sunlight daily.
Keep it shaded from scorching afternoon rays when it's young and delicate.
2. Create a cozy environment for your Spiralis cactus by maintaining temperatures between 60 and 80 °F.
When winter chills hit below 50 °F, bring it inside.
3. Embrace the self-sufficiency of your Spiralis cactus. Water it only when the soil has thoroughly dried out during the summer heatwave. In winter, go easy on the watering.
4. Give your Spiralis cactus a well-draining habitat. Use a cactus blend soil mix with the option to add rocks and perlite for optimal water flow. Let it breathe!
5. While rare, your Spiralis cactus might surprise you with delicate cream-colored flowers during the peak of summer. It's like witnessing a magical phenomenon!
6. Boost your Spiralis cactus's growth by applying diluted cactus fertilizer during the vibrant seasons of spring and summer. Our house blend plant food has got your cactus covered.
7. Pest Patrol: Stay vigilant against pesky invaders like aphids and mealy bugs. Keep your Spiralis cactus bug-free by using our trusty house blend insecticide on a weekly basis.
8. Every one to two years, consider giving your Spiralis cactus a fresh start by repotting it during the early days of spring. This not only rejuvenates the soil but also provides ample space for its growth.
9. Rest easy knowing that your Spiralis cactus poses no harm to you or your beloved pets. Spikes may be painful to the touch, but the cactus is non-toxic.




Sunburst Prickly Pear:

Scientific name: Opuntia cochenillifera variegata

1. Find a sunny location for your Sunburst where it can bask in bright sunlight for at least six hours a day.
This cactus loves the sun!
2. Keep your Sunburst happy in temperatures ranging from 50 to 90 °F. It can withstand some fluctuations, but avoid extreme heat or frost.
3. Embrace the drought-tolerant nature of your Sunburst. Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings, typically every 2-3 weeks in summer and even less in winter.
4. Well-Draining Soil: Plant your Opuntia in a well-draining soil mix, specifically formulated for cacti and succulents. This ensures excess moisture doesn't linger around the roots.
5. Minimal Fertilizer: Sunburst doesn't require frequent fertilization. Feed it sparingly with a balanced cactus fertilizer once or twice during the growing season. We highly recommend our house blend fertilizer!
6. Watch out for common pests like mealybugs and scale insects. Regularly inspect your Opuntia and treat any infestations promptly with an appropriate insecticide. Use our weekly preventative spray!
7. If you want to propagate your Opuntia, you can do so by carefully removing pads or offsets and allowing them to callus for a few days before planting them in well-draining soil. Do this especially if your plant starts drooping from the weight of new growth!
8. Prune your Opuntia with caution. Use clean, sharp tools to remove any damaged or dead pads, being mindful of the sharp spines.




Curiosity Cactus:


Scientific name: Cereus peruvianus var. monstrosus cactus

Curiosity Cactus care:
1. Find a sunny spot for your curiosity cactus to soak up the sun's rays. Place it in a location where it can enjoy at least four to six hours of direct sunlight each day.
2. Keep your curiosity cactus cozy in temperatures ranging from 60 to 80 °F (15 to 27 °C). It can tolerate slightly cooler temperatures but avoid frosty conditions.
3. Embrace the drought-tolerant nature of your curiosity cactus. Water it sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings. Aim for once every 4-6 weeks, and less in the winter.
4. Provide your curiosity cactus with a well-draining soil mix to prevent waterlogged roots. Opt for a cactus or succulent-specific blend enriched with perlite or rocks for improved drainage.
5. Your curiosity cactus has unique growth patterns, and unusual textures. Corking/brown patches are normal, but can be prevented by rotating your cactus occasionally to allow for even sun on all sides.
6. Boost your curiosity cactus's growth with a diluted cactus fertilizer during the growing season. We highly recommend our house blend formula!
7. Keep an eye out for common pests like mealybugs or spider mites. Regularly inspect your curiosity cactus and promptly treat any infestations using an appropriate insecticide. Try our amazing house blend for weekly preventative treatment.




Sensitive Plant:


Scientific name: Mimosa pudica

Sensitive plant care:
1. Find a bright spot for your sensitive plant where it can bask in bright, indirect sunlight. Avoid exposing it to harsh, direct sunlight for extended periods, as it will sunburn and dry out quickly.
2. Keep your sensitive plant in a warm environment with temperatures ranging from 65 to 75 °F. Protect it from drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations.
3. Provide regular, moderate watering to keep the soil evenly moist. Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out a bit before watering again. If your plant’s leaves start to look dry or shrivel, water right away.
4. Plant your sensitive plant in well-draining soil to prevent water-logging. A mixture of potting soil, perlite, and peat moss works well to maintain the right balance.
5. Trim back any leggy or overgrown branches to promote a more compact and bushy growth habit.
Regular pruning also helps maintain the plant's shape and encourages new growth.
6. Fertilizer Boost: Feed your mimosa sensitive plant with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer once a month during the growing season. We suggest our house blend fertilizer!
7. As its name suggests, the sensitive plant responds to touch by folding its leaves. Enjoy this fascinating feature but avoid excessive touching, as it can stress the plant.
8. Keep a watchful eye for common pests like aphids or spider mites. If you spot any, treat them promptly with neem oil, or our house blend insecticide.
9. During the winter months, your sensitive plant may enter a period of dormancy. Reduce watering and provide it with cooler temperatures around 55 to 60 °F.




White Ghost Euphorbia:

Scientific name: Euphorbia lactea 'White Ghost'

White Ghost Euphorbia Care
1. Place your White Ghost in a location that receives bright, indirect sunlight. It thrives in full to partial sun exposure. Protect it from intense afternoon sunlight, especially during hot summer months.
2. This plant prefers warm temperatures between 65°F and 85°F. Avoid exposing it to extreme cold or frost, as it is sensitive to low temperatures.
3. Allow the soil to dry out partially between waterings. White Ghosts are drought-tolerant and prefer slightly drier conditions. Water thoroughly, ensuring the excess water drains out of the pot. Avoid watering too often as it can lead to root rot.
4. Plant your White Ghost in a well-draining cactus or succulent potting mix. It benefits from a mix that includes perlite or rocks to ensure good drainage.
5. Feed your plant sparingly with a balanced, diluted cactus or succulent fertilizer during the active growing season (spring and summer). We highly suggest our house blend plant food!
6. If your White Ghost becomes leggy or too tall to stand on its own, you can prune it back to maintain a more compact shape. Be cautious of the milky sap, which can be irritating to the skin and toxic if iingested. Wear gloves and take necessary precautions when handling.
7. Keep an eye out for common succulent pests such as mealybugs or spider mites. If infestations occur, treat them promptly with an appropriate organic insecticidal soap or neem oil. We recommend our weekly preventative solution!
8. Euphorbia lactea 'White Ghost' contains a milky latex sap that can cause skin irritation and is toxic if ingested. Handle the plant with care and keep it away from curious pets or children.
9. During the winter, reduce watering and provide your White Ghost with slightly cooler temperatures around 50°F to 60°F to mimic its dormant period. Protect it from freezing temperatures and drafts.